Week 8 Reading and Writing

Upon reflecting upon my blog so far, I am very satisfied with the layout and design. I actually spent a lot of time on this aspect of my project and overall blog layout. From my experience last year, I have seen how much other people navigate between different blogs. For me, I really wanted my aesthetic to reflect what my state tends to be. I wanted readers to get a glimpse into my life from from my creative point of view. For now, I may consider changing the central cover photo, but I do not plan on making any more significant changes to my blog.
For reading and writing, I have attempted to try to think outside of my normal comfort zone. My story posts make me excited for what is yet to come in my portfolio project. So far, I have really enjoyed reading Mahabharata. I have found that starting my stories is the toughest part. Once I have that opening few sentences of my story, I can write on and on while incorporating innovative ideas as I think of them. It takes me a second to calculate and plan out how I am going to introduce the main characters, the setting, and the context-- afterall, many people say that the first part of your writing is the most important. When reviewing my project, I hope to write my stories within the context and focus of love. My portfolio is retelling stories about different aspects of love. This in particular has been a challenge for me, because the flow to my writing feels like I should always be planninng events, anticipating a major conflict within the central plot of the story.
In regards to the reading notes. When using them first, I didn't see the purpose or importance of these notes. Now, whenever I am in storytelling mode, I always have my reading notes handy as a quick sheet to my source of inspiration for the storytelling.

Stephen's Tears, CrimsonAcquittal
This image comes from the story I wrote, The Jealousy He Would Regret. I love this picture because invokes the pain and heartache one of the characters when he faces the loss of a loved one.


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